Caption: This was my only opportunity to shoot a trio of Bombardier HR616's in action. Perhaps because only 20 of them were ever built. Although this train would run right by St. Catharines where I was living in 1995, I knew it would be dark by the time it made St. C's station, so ventured up to Welland to meet it, and even there the daylight was sinking fast. Power on this train was CN 2114, 2113 and 2110. "HR" stood for 'high reliability', and these locomotives were anything but. Built in 1982, they were all off the system by 1998, the first two shown sold to NRE and the last one retired.
Both crew members seem to be looking in your direction wondering who to goof standing on the flat car is…
Nah. They’re probably saying, “That guy shows up at all the strangest places”…..:o) But…you got your point across..wise guy…!!!!
Nice shot!
Thanks, Alex. Shot it perhaps a tad too soon, as I thought for sure this was going to blur seeing the light was getting so bad. Ya have to be lucky once in a while.
Ahh the joys of Film eh Arnold
Very nice Arnold. Anyone have shots of HR616′s working with C40-8M’s? These not-so-distant cousins, the 2100′s and 2400′s, didn’t mingle much if at all….