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This is a nice 'power-up-front' combination. CN 2116, one of those "BBD Busts", of which most didn't last more than 15-16 years before being dealt off; leads MLWs C-630m 2010 and 2005 heading westward on their start up the long grade thru Copetown.
What is interesting in this photo is the hillside.  Most of the shots featured show people milling about on the property of the Royal Botanical Gardens, but in this image from 1989 the 'view from the top' is obliterated by the out of control hillside foliage. Hard to believe it is the same location.............
Interesting to note those delightfully cranky old (from a fan's point of view) MLWs outlasted the Bombardier fleet by 15 years!!
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: This is a nice 'power-up-front' combination. CN 2116, one of those "BBD Busts", of which most didn't last more than 15-16 years before being dealt off; leads MLWs C-630m 2010 and 2005 heading westward on their start up the long grade thru Copetown. What is interesting in this photo is the hillside. Most of the shots featured show people milling about on the property of the Royal Botanical Gardens, but in this image from 1989 the 'view from the top' is obliterated by the out of control hillside foliage. Hard to believe it is the same location............. Interesting to note those delightfully cranky old (from a fan's point of view) MLWs outlasted the Bombardier fleet by 15 years!!

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/06/1989 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2116 (search)
Train Symbol: unknown (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Sub. (search)
City/Town: Bayview Junction (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45192
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Photo ID: 43954

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  1. Loving this!

  2. Geez, yer easy :o )

  3. Well having probably operated all of the HR616′s/636/630′s before they were retired, it brings me back young fella!

  4. Did you have issues with them, or were they just old technology?

  5. I can’t honestly say that they were the most reliable units. When the were working well, they did a great job, but they were prone to wheel slip and overheating the HR label was a joke. Nothing high reliable about them. My favorite thing about them was the “turbo lag” that produced great black plumes of smoke…lol i loved doing that when going by a station where people were waiting for a train…yup, i was that evil :-)

  6. Hahaha…thanks!!!! I certainly agree with you about the “HR” moniker. Certainly a bit of “overkill” when advertising the product. I hope you sent up a few “whiffs of smoke” when going by the fans as well.

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