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This is a charming place. Kensington still has two stations, survivors of the loss of the actual railroad way back in 1989. Kensington's first station burned down. A second one was built; it outlived its' usefulness and was moved to be a private residence just in behind where this third station stands. This fieldstone station (1905) was built just to the east of station #2, which was replaced by a freight shed in 1906, as seen in this 1981 photo. The old shed is now gone and a Liquor/beer store stands in its place, but the stone station is a Heritage Building, so hopefully it will live on for many years. When looking over this scene I questioned the "VIA" sign out front. Upon checking an old timetable I found this was for bus service.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: This is a charming place. Kensington still has two stations, survivors of the loss of the actual railroad way back in 1989. Kensington's first station burned down. A second one was built; it outlived its' usefulness and was moved to be a private residence just in behind where this third station stands. This fieldstone station (1905) was built just to the east of station #2, which was replaced by a freight shed in 1906, as seen in this 1981 photo. The old shed is now gone and a Liquor/beer store stands in its place, but the stone station is a Heritage Building, so hopefully it will live on for many years. When looking over this scene I questioned the "VIA" sign out front. Upon checking an old timetable I found this was for bus service.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/12/1981 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: n/a (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kensington Sub. (search)
City/Town: Kensington (search)
Province: Prince Edward Island (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29753
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Photo ID: 28586

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  1. Nice. Such a pretty stone station.

  2. There is a third station that resides in the Greater Kensington area actually. The former Traveller’s Rest station sits in the back yard of a local resident. It is in very good shape for its age.

  3. Thanks. The Islanders sure saved a lot of stations. I wonder if this particular one still can be identified as a station. I think it was just a flag stop, but have not seen a photo.

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