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This image of a CP power move thru the downtown tourist area of Niagara Falls shows much of the double track line that used to run thru the area. Also barely seen is the spur that crossed over the former Hwy 20 (Ferry St) to a plant over on Stanley Av. if my memory serves me correctly. Nabisco?? Whatever. The track had been out of service for quite some time by 1988. Note how quiet the streets are after all tourists have returned home after their summer fleecing. Power shown is CP 1684 (the old TH&B 74!!), 8205 and 8207.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W. Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: This image of a CP power move thru the downtown tourist area of Niagara Falls shows much of the double track line that used to run thru the area. Also barely seen is the spur that crossed over the former Hwy 20 (Ferry St) to a plant over on Stanley Av. if my memory serves me correctly. Nabisco?? Whatever. The track had been out of service for quite some time by 1988. Note how quiet the streets are after all tourists have returned home after their summer fleecing. Power shown is CP 1684 (the old TH&B 74!!), 8205 and 8207.

A.W. Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/14/1988 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 1684 (search)
Train Symbol: power move (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Clifton Hill (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21673
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Photo ID: 20539

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Geeez Arnold….all these Nfalls pics…I am beginning to wonder if those earlier “stories” about the real reason you were here…..are true :) … Still…I’ll give you a star.

  2. No matter what your strange friends tell you, I only went to the Falls for the trains. Thats t-r-a-i-n-s. But thank you for the “star”. Are you feeling okay??

  3. Classic shot Arnold.

  4. Also, where did the track crossing the road go to?

  5. @JP – the old Nabisco plant off to the left out of view

  6. That plant was over on Stanley Av., was it not? The Chef Boy-ar-Dee people had a plant over there as well. Probably a few others in the area. I recall the track crossing Ferry St and cutting very tightly between storefronts. Probably saw activity last in the mid 1970s.

  7. Wow! So hard to imagine trains running there, sad the tracks are gone now.

  8. I had lunch where the engines are parked this summer…… trees are quite tall now. I did see trains downtown NF but I thought i’d go back to take pictures later. Two weeks later the line was done.

  9. Hey great photo, If you were wondering this is the Niagara Falls subdivision before it became the hamilton subdivision and the South track was torn out:)

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