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This has to be about the busiest I have ever seen it up by Goderich's Sifto Salt Mine. Sure, there is a couple of lake ships tied up for the winter, and RLK 4096 & HLCX 6522 are working a long string of salt loads; but look at the trucks!! They are lined all the way up to the entrance, as the start of the line can be seen up behind the train. There must be 40 of them. Perhaps someone on this group can explain why so many, and how long would it take for them to get their loads and get out of there. Seems like a long wait.
I was wondering if they line up, first come first serve, and loading does not begin until a certain time. But I would expect a place like this to be a 24 hour operation..............
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: This has to be about the busiest I have ever seen it up by Goderich's Sifto Salt Mine. Sure, there is a couple of lake ships tied up for the winter, and RLK 4096 & HLCX 6522 are working a long string of salt loads; but look at the trucks!! They are lined all the way up to the entrance, as the start of the line can be seen up behind the train. There must be 40 of them. Perhaps someone on this group can explain why so many, and how long would it take for them to get their loads and get out of there. Seems like a long wait. I was wondering if they line up, first come first serve, and loading does not begin until a certain time. But I would expect a place like this to be a 24 hour operation..............

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/16/2009 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: RLK 4096 (search)
Train Symbol: salt train (search)
Subdivision/SNS: GEXR Goderich Sub. (search)
City/Town: Goderich (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38496
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Photo ID: 37303

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  1. Interestingly that ship, the CSL Tadoussac turns 50 years old this year, and is still in active service as far as I can tell. Awesome shot Arnold, I love seeing photos of the mine, extremely iconic scene!

  2. Nice scene, Arnold. Lots to look at. Now painted CSL red, the CSL Tadoussac is still a very active vessel. Ahead of her is the Frontenac which is also still active. These are the last two classic style (pilot house forward) lakers remaining in the CSL fleet.

  3. I did some quick googling and found an article from January 2009 talking about a road salt supply shortage for some geographic areas (references the American Midwest) which might explain all the trucks. Very neat shot.

  4. Thanks for that report, James. I hope some of those drivers brought good books to read.:o)

  5. Vignetting is gone and white balance adjusted. A very nice rework Arnold. This is the same thing I was finding. Pictures posted from years before that did not receive all the finessing they deserve from my inexperience. Cameras don’t freeze reality, it needs coaxing out of whatever raw image it is hidden in. :-)

  6. If you are referring, Larry, to the nice balance in this image; I cannot take any credit as I have a buddy who doubles as a slave and fixes up what you see here. I’m one of those old that is ill at ease learning new tricks.

  7. I bet you have worked out a deal with your buddy that if helps with slides he can pick one of the signs in the garage. :-D
    It is a super photo Arnold, keeps your eyes busy looking. Is the big cement wall on the lake front to the right of the tracks to keep ice from coming in off the lake?

  8. The restaraunt at left is for sale now, doesn’t seem to be in service.

  9. Well, if you are up that way, Mr. Host, you are more likely to eat at the CP Station (Beach Restaurant) anyway.
    Larry, yes; wall shields Lake Huron from eating away at the RoW. Lake is HIGH this year, too.
    My buddy reads stuff on RP so don’t suggest any more ideas.:o)

  10. Just caught this neat capture on the favourite list and it brought back a memory or two. I visited Goderich on Feb 5th, a few days earlier id 2009, with much more snow on the ground and trucks galore lined up well east of the tracks. I guess the driver of one big rig must have been reading a good one as he inadvertently pulled across the tracks in front of GEXR down bound. The knuckle of rail car wedged into the tire/well near the middle of the big rig sliding the unit 30′ or so through the snow creating an unique snow sculpture. Minimal damage overall and trucks continued steady movement in and out … seemed to take only minutes to load.

  11. Too bad more of the truck loads don’t go out on rail!

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