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This ain't no L10L, it's a wee L6! Back in 2007, GO was still running shorter L6 consists (locomotive + 6 cars) on the Stouffville, Unionville, Georgetown and Barrie lines. It's pretty much the shortest you can make a GO train these days, as the GO station signage and platforms are all set up to have the 2500-series "5A" accessible car as 5th in a consist (and the cab cars aren't configured to be used as 5A's).

After finishing its morning chores on the Barrie line, train #802's 6-car consist deadheads back to Willowbrook to lay over the day before heading back out in the PM as #868 on the Stouffville line (as per normal equipment cycling practices). Today, GO F59PH 550 is providing the power, with cab car 235 leading on the other end, pausing westbound at Bathurst Street awaiting the light to proceed west on the Oakville Sub.
Copyright Notice: This image ©MrDan all rights reserved.

Caption: This ain't no L10L, it's a wee L6! Back in 2007, GO was still running shorter L6 consists (locomotive + 6 cars) on the Stouffville, Unionville, Georgetown and Barrie lines. It's pretty much the shortest you can make a GO train these days, as the GO station signage and platforms are all set up to have the 2500-series "5A" accessible car as 5th in a consist (and the cab cars aren't configured to be used as 5A's).

After finishing its morning chores on the Barrie line, train #802's 6-car consist deadheads back to Willowbrook to lay over the day before heading back out in the PM as #868 on the Stouffville line (as per normal equipment cycling practices). Today, GO F59PH 550 is providing the power, with cab car 235 leading on the other end, pausing westbound at Bathurst Street awaiting the light to proceed west on the Oakville Sub.

MrDan [1007] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/24/2007 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 550 (search)
Train Symbol: GO E802 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Bathurst Street - USRC (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=23653
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