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These two ex RaiLink units spent two years at the CP/BCRY interchange yard in Utopia, presumably there to provide spare parts for BCRY 1001, a unit which goes to Barrie twice a week to serve local industries and bring back freight for CP. However, these old soldiers are on the move again, to Winnipeg on CP 421. They will likely join the deadline of CP GP9u's there, awaiting a buyer. If not that, they may be used by the Central Manitoba Railway (which owns both the CEMR and BCRY), also for parts. Their condition is quite poor as evident in the picture though, and their only fate I really see at this point is the torch. 1755's heritage dates back to the Pennsylvania Railroad from 1956 (nee PRR 7058). Meanwhile 1808's heritage dates to the Rock Island in 1960 (nee CRI&P 1334). They have surely seen a lot. It's too bad that road is likely at an end. Their last active service was in Hamilton, Ontario in either late 2012 or early 2013 for the Southern Ontario Railway.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Daniel Odette all rights reserved.

Caption: These two ex RaiLink units spent two years at the CP/BCRY interchange yard in Utopia, presumably there to provide spare parts for BCRY 1001, a unit which goes to Barrie twice a week to serve local industries and bring back freight for CP. However, these old soldiers are on the move again, to Winnipeg on CP 421. They will likely join the deadline of CP GP9u's there, awaiting a buyer. If not that, they may be used by the Central Manitoba Railway (which owns both the CEMR and BCRY), also for parts. Their condition is quite poor as evident in the picture though, and their only fate I really see at this point is the torch. 1755's heritage dates back to the Pennsylvania Railroad from 1956 (nee PRR 7058). Meanwhile 1808's heritage dates to the Rock Island in 1960 (nee CRI&P 1334). They have surely seen a lot. It's too bad that road is likely at an end. Their last active service was in Hamilton, Ontario in either late 2012 or early 2013 for the Southern Ontario Railway.

Daniel Odette [155] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/21/2015 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 9375 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 421-21 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 58.1 CP MacTier Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Utopia (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=19089
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  1. While they may look rough on the outside, what really matters is if they’re mechanically sound and run. Stuff like bad paint, missing headlights, numberboards, broken windows, etc can all be replaced or repaired in short order. A damaged engine block or bad main generator would probably spell the end of one. IIRC, they were runners when SOR retired them and replaced them with GP20D’s.

    Since Cando owns them, they’re either being shipped off to another Cando property, or possibly to a shop for overhaul and repainting.

  2. any idea of what they were being used for while with the BCRY?

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