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There's only a little snow on the ground here in Burlington in early 1966 as an eastbound freight starts up the Halton sub behind CN GP9 4491 and RS18 3659. While these units haven't been repainted, the new image is now starting to show up on some cars in the consist and many locomotives.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Page all rights reserved.

Caption: There's only a little snow on the ground here in Burlington in early 1966 as an eastbound freight starts up the Halton sub behind CN GP9 4491 and RS18 3659. While these units haven't been repainted, the new image is now starting to show up on some cars in the consist and many locomotives.

Doug Page [377] (more) (contact)
Date: 2/ /1966 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4491 (search)
Train Symbol: eastbound (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Burlington (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50011
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Photo ID: 48726

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  1. This is such a clear, well-preserved photograph for its age, and well-framed!

  2. Lots of box cars, what looks to be Massey Combines from Brantford and long trains sans sea cans ….what a great image…

  3. Green and gold my favourite, and great lash-up. The dwarf (Low) signal governing westward movements on the south track will be soon be replaced by an overhead signal (321S) on a cantilever structure as seen in another great Doug Page photo taken a bit over a year later.


  4. I thought that signal was for north track… curious what the purpose of it was? behind us was another set of signals, for westward, a large signal bridge on the other side of Brant Ave was there until 2005 or so.

  5. Stephen, Signal (321N) was a high mast signal located to the right of the North Track. http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34912 The signals to the rear, known as Burlington were located east of Burlington Station, the westward signals were on a bridge structure. Other than cost saving I am not sure why a dwarf signal was installed during the initial CTC installation, at that time the requirement was to locate signals over or to the right of the track they govern. Thanks to Doug Page photos I am now aware of the early signal configuration and have a timeline as to when the overhead signal was installed.

  6. Regarding the dwarf signal on the South Track…don’t forget that the Oakville sub was double track ABS (Automatic Block Signals) until CTC was installed (Hamilton-Bayview in 1957, Bayview-Burlington and up the Halton circa 1964 (Toronto Access Lines project), and Burlington-Fort York in 1967 for the start-up of GO Transit). So, the low signals would been there for movements “running against the current of traffic” on the Eastward (south) Track approaching CTC at Burlington. A similar dwarf signal was at Hamilton West on the South Track (former Eastward Track) and also at Bayview on the North Track of the Dundas sub (former Westward Track) until the third track went in the fall of 2006.

  7. John, good explanation. You definitely got it right, I would have thought that type of signal design had falIen by the wayside. I guess the Signal Design Office missed the memo about the CTC being extended further east on the Oakville Sub.

  8. The date is Feb 12, 1966. This is train 476 from Windsor.

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