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There's a funny story behind this photo. Delaware Lackawanna, a regional railroad with a major jones for purchasing old American Alco power, purchased this old former Delaware & Hudson RS3 from tourist operator York-Durham Heritage Railway. "DL 4068" arrived at CP's Agincourt Yard about a week or two ago, and basically fell off the radar since. Nobody knew when it was to leave or on what.  Fast forward to today: after being tipped off the first completed brand new GO Transit MP40PH-3C was sitting at Lambton/West Toronto yards awaiting delivery, the ever-adventurous photographer makes a second trip downtown in an attempt to catch a shot of it. Upon arriving on the scene, and heading trackside, he finds the crew of CP westbound #254 stopped and giving a roll-by to a passing eastbound near the yard area. Casually asking the crew if they've seen any new GO locomotives sitting around, one replies something along the lines of "No, but we've got some old locomotive in the train a few cars back". This was followed by a "Hmmm" moment, and then an "Ahhh!" upon looking down the train and realizing what it might be.  The crew then climbs back aboard their train and slowly gets it underway. Two cars down in-train was the dead RS3, beat up and ratty looking, heading for its new owner in the US to be rebuilt, repainted, and put back in service.  Alternate photo of the train near the yard.  (And I got the GO unit too, but we'll leave that for another day...)
Copyright Notice: This image ©MrDanMofo all rights reserved.

Caption: There's a funny story behind this photo. Delaware Lackawanna, a regional railroad with a major jones for purchasing old American Alco power, purchased this old former Delaware & Hudson RS3 from tourist operator York-Durham Heritage Railway. "DL 4068" arrived at CP's Agincourt Yard about a week or two ago, and basically fell off the radar since. Nobody knew when it was to leave or on what.

Fast forward to today: after being tipped off the first completed brand new GO Transit MP40PH-3C was sitting at Lambton/West Toronto yards awaiting delivery, the ever-adventurous photographer makes a second trip downtown in an attempt to catch a shot of it. Upon arriving on the scene, and heading trackside, he finds the crew of CP westbound #254 stopped and giving a roll-by to a passing eastbound near the yard area. Casually asking the crew if they've seen any new GO locomotives sitting around, one replies something along the lines of "No, but we've got some old locomotive in the train a few cars back". This was followed by a "Hmmm" moment, and then an "Ahhh!" upon looking down the train and realizing what it might be.

The crew then climbs back aboard their train and slowly gets it underway. Two cars down in-train was the dead RS3, beat up and ratty looking, heading for its new owner in the US to be rebuilt, repainted, and put back in service.

Alternate photo of the train near the yard.

(And I got the GO unit too, but we'll leave that for another day...)

MrDanMofo [1014] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/28/2007 (search)
Railway: Tourist (search)
Reporting Marks: DL 4068 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 254 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Lambton / CP Galt Sub (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=9979
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