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The wide nose looked so much better on a cowl-ed unit than it did on the narrow body, don't you think?
Copyright Notice: This image ©Steve Young all rights reserved.

Caption: The wide nose looked so much better on a cowl-ed unit than it did on the narrow body, don't you think?

Steve Young [781] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/12/1988 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5424 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Calder Shops (search)
City/Town: Edmonton (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=25578
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Photo ID: 24429

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  1. I believe only 4 of those survive (SD50F’s). The rest were scrapped.

  2. Not by a long shot. SD40-2W’s were far better to operate than any cowl unit, hands down.

  3. Oh yeah. Everyone says the 40-2′s the best locomotive out there.

    But I did read that all except for 4 of the SD50F’s were scrapped. Either that or I shouldn’t read all I can read. lol.

  4. I think that the SD50 was not one EMD’s most loved designs, and I would suspect that very few survive.
    With regard to operation, I suspect that ladder entrance and limited visibility, in spite of the “Draper Taper”, made them less desirable to the crews.
    My original comment is purely based on aesthetics.

  5. I do know NS is converting some of them to SD40E’s. I also read that taxing the 16-645F3B to it’s limits at 3600hp was the nail in the coffin. Conrail apparently loved them.

    But once again, that’s reading all I can read.

    I would not doubt for a second the “less than desirable to crews” statement.

    And to the OP, no offense. And my apologies if I did offend. Aside from that, it is a good pic. Shows the difference.

  6. Hey Driver, no offense taken. All is good.

  7. @Driver, yes i think the 40-2′s is one of the best units ever built. I am not sure how many of the SD50F’s survive other than a few i have seen on shortlines.

  8. Hey Steve, really enjoying your photos. Beautiful shots.
    I think your original comments about aesthetics is correct. If I see a F/FP45 I do love shooting pics of them over a standard cab, but I think its because they are rare these days.

  9. Thank you. I am glad that can share my photos and folks are enjoying seeing them.

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