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Very nice, Steve!
I did not know this happened. How fitting and perfect sun too..ORA did it right!
How often did this happen on a daily basis, during the age of steam? Beautiful.
Got me thinking of that and checked a 1946 and 1956 CP timetable. Seems they had a 1 hour connection at Cataract so the north and southbound Orangeville Sub trains would have departed before this would happen. I’m sure it did occasionally happen though when they ran late.
Instant classic. Thank you for sharing this incredible moment with us, Steve!
Hi Steve, great picture bringing back ORA days, their wonderful steam excursions on the Orangeville Sub, and a couple beyond to Owen Sound, thanks to the wonderful efforts of ORA and our dearly beloved departed friend JAB. There were so many railway excursions that are connected to Jim and the other hard working OERA members, all of which and whom are greatly missed. Thanks for posting, John
Hey Steve, do you have a list of all the photo stops on this trip? I have a slide taken during the morning of the southbound trip of a runby at the north end somewhere (outside of Owen Sound?) that I can’t seem to place.
Sorry but I don’t have a list. Wish I had made one in hindsight.
This picture was turned into a postcard, I still have it.
Truly Timeless.