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The VIA station at Kamloops North, BC doesn't offer much in the way of amenities, but was open to those of us who stepped off VIA 001 to stretch our legs. The Canadian has been deadheading a Park Car behind the power all the way from Toronto. Threatening skies were rolling in, but the rain held off until the train pulled away from the station to continue its westward journey.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: The VIA station at Kamloops North, BC doesn't offer much in the way of amenities, but was open to those of us who stepped off VIA 001 to stretch our legs. The Canadian has been deadheading a Park Car behind the power all the way from Toronto. Threatening skies were rolling in, but the rain held off until the train pulled away from the station to continue its westward journey.

Paul O'Shell [451] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/04/2022 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6457, VIA 6456 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 001 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Kamloops North, Clearwater Sub. Mile139.4 (search)
City/Town: Kamloops (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51696
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Photo ID: 50401

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. The date above should read 06/04/2022 (June 4, 2022).

  2. Maybe the station might not offer much, but the horrendous potholed and poorly signed drive in is very discouraging to this image of quality that VIA is supposedly trying to project.

  3. Yep. Once you veer right off of CN Road which leads to the CN Operations building, the access road to the station turns from nice smooth asphalt to a rather rough dirt, mud, and ballast covered trail. I guess the station does have a little more to offer. :-)

  4. Potholes are nature’s speed bumps.

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