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The Trillium crew uses ex-Stelco 615 to shove BCOL 4624, CN 4100, IC 1506, and one pipe empty for Welded Tube down the Tube Spur from Southern Yard. K&K is scrapping the units along with many others at the former Martech / former Stelpipe facility in Rusholme Road. I pieced it together the other day that the former Stelco 53 was renumbered to 615 as that the address for the facility - 615 Rusholme Road. 615 died at the gates and was left like that overnight, and it looks like they had to use Welded Tube's centrecab (MPRX 101) on Friday to put it away inside the building and finish their moves.  It is my understanding that Trillium owns 615 now and use it for contract switching for Welded Tube and evidently for moving scrap units for K&K, but certainly open to discussion and further confirmation on that one.
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Knott all rights reserved.

Caption: The Trillium crew uses ex-Stelco 615 to shove BCOL 4624, CN 4100, IC 1506, and one pipe empty for Welded Tube down the Tube Spur from Southern Yard. K&K is scrapping the units along with many others at the former Martech / former Stelpipe facility in Rusholme Road. I pieced it together the other day that the former Stelco 53 was renumbered to 615 as that the address for the facility - 615 Rusholme Road.

615 died at the gates and was left like that overnight, and it looks like they had to use Welded Tube's centrecab (MPRX 101) on Friday to put it away inside the building and finish their moves.

It is my understanding that Trillium owns 615 now and use it for contract switching for Welded Tube and evidently for moving scrap units for K&K, but certainly open to discussion and further confirmation on that one.

James Knott [535] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/08/2021 (search)
Railway: Trillium Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: BCOL 4624 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Tube Spur (search)
City/Town: Welland (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45076
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  1. Of course you shot this move!

  2. Too bad Trillium can’t make use of CN 4100 or IC 1506! They must be basket cases if they’re heading to scrap. You’d think there would be a market for them. Many other ex. CN geeps and IC SW14s have found new homes on shortlines and at industries.

  3. I saw this trio sitting out at Southern Yard while driving by and failed to deduce the 4100 and now what I see was 1506 were for possible scrapping. Bloody shame.

  4. @Martin, haha been on my mind for 9 months. Finally happened.

    @Rob/Arnold, yeah when I saw these two were on 421 I figured it was a safe bet they were going to AMP for work. Was surprised to learn they destined to join the ever growing scrap heap on Rusholme Road. Shame indeed.

  5. As for ownership, I think we can continue to debate that.

    For example, Trillium did switch Resolute until sometime around 2015 using the Resolute motive power, with an agreement to allow shipment of a Trillium unit over if it was needed (it never was needed)

    so they basically did contract switching using some other companies’ power. Then Martech took it over until the last day in December 2016 also using the RFP power.

    Of course, opportunity to purchase a local locomotive may not come all that often and maybe it was for sale…

    great work James on catching this lightning on a bottle and on figuring out the engine number! love it.

  6. What a catch James.

    Too bad about 4100. It lived in Southern Ontario during the 90′s.

  7. Yeah, Noe, he really hit paydirt with this shot.

  8. Thanks again guys. After 615 crapped out I had a chance to chat for a bit with the guys while they were waiting to try and start it up again, and the gentleman riding the point of 4624 in the photo was telling me he used to work for CN and recalled having 4100 many times out of Niagara Falls.

  9. And 4100 looks like it had a fresh coat of paint

  10. Was there today 4100 and 1506 still there. Two BCR’S and a line against the building. Somebody told the the 4100 and 1506 now belong to Cando.

  11. So far nothing has come out to prove K&K has sold those two to Cando.. but it’s not out of the realm of possibilities. I know of some folks who were interested in buying them but could not get an agreement to do so…. K&K has really been getting into the re-sale business these last few years with their scrap buys.

  12. Went by today.There is nothing there but the 108 and the two IC units plus the CN geep.

  13. A GMTX (GATX?) is in there as well behind the #108. All scrapping has been finished and the lumber place next door is expanding into the building.

  14. Which GMTX Mr Mooney? One of the Blueberries that CN bought? And the CN Geep, all the rest are still earning their keep. Must be a lemon.

  15. The GMTX 340 is behind the GIO 108.

  16. I went by yesterday, what a sight to see it empty. I hope the lumber place expands and uses rail service! That would be nice.

  17. The lumber place has seemingly expanded their footprint onto the former Martech site and there is a loaded centrebeam on the track where the IC SW and CN GP9 in this photo had taken up residence previously. Two IC SWs, the GP9 and 615 are on the tracks where the Dash 8s had been.

  18. Great news. More rail biz. We’ll just have to see how many buildings survive the demolition. With the real estate listings showing it still for lease I think only it will be a partial demo.

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