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The "Super Continental" approaches Hope, BC, with a pretty beat up 6506 leading.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Steve Young all rights reserved.

Caption: The "Super Continental" approaches Hope, BC, with a pretty beat up 6506 leading.

Steve Young [781] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/23/1986 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6506 (search)
Train Symbol: Super Continental #4 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hope (search)
City/Town: Hope (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=23418
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  1. Federal Government Report Recommends Killing Trans-Canada Passenger Rail Service‏:


    Yet another rehash of tired old attacks from anti-rail lobbyists & politicians trying to undermine VIA, an essential year-round transportation link to towns & cities across Canada that provides a valuable service to the millions of people who use it every year at a fraction of the government spending given to roads, and with the ability to serve far more city pairs than air ever could.

    Fortunately the report recommends retaining the Ocean & Corridor services as well as a much needed regulatory framework protecting VIA funding.

    Still, I would recommend those who support passenger rail to urge the Federal Government to throw out the ridiculous recommendation to eliminate the Federal operating grant for the “Canadian” & instead provide the necessary investment to maintain a reliable & efficient national passenger rail system.

    Contact info:

    The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

    The Honourable Marc Garneau, Transport Minister

    NDP Transportation Critic Wayne Gates

    Conservative Transportation Critic Kelly Block

    Public Feedback for this Transport Canada report can be emailed to:

  2. I have to admit, I could see the reduction in the “land yaught” trains. They are expensive to ride and operate. I would rather see the money put into shorter haul trains to make them more frequent. State run Amtrak train are a good model for what VIA could try (California and Illinois have good programs)

  3. Subsidies for Air Transport: up to $1,500 per Passenger:

    Subsidies for Marine Transport: up to $482 per Passenger:

    Cost of repairing roads: 29 billion tax dollars per year:

    Main cause of road damage: Buses & trucks:

    Government of Canada’s solution: Cut VIA Rail’s meager budget:

    P.S. That being said, I look forward to seeing more of your excellent photographs on RP.ca, good work Steve!

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