Caption: The sun was in and out of the cloud on me as I tried to grab a decent shot of this #256 cresting the hill at Vinemount; new paint made for an attractive set of locomotives. Seeing how filthy most GEs were, efforts to capture something like this was all that more worthwhile. Granted, the GEVOs were treated with a much better coating than the old 9500s, et al, but still; there is nothing like New. CP 8809, 8813 and 8812 were alive barely a week when this photo was taken.
I’ll bet the guys sitting in the cab are enjoying the fresh brand new equally as much. Thanks Arnold.
And now they are all one in the same…. duct tape specials.
Nah. Not already!! Cab filling up with obnoxious fumes?
They did look quite nice in fresh paint. Too bad they don’t stay that way for very long.