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The sun has broken through a gap in the changing colours of a group of trees east of the station in Georgetown highlighting the nose of borrowed CN SD75 #5800. The unit is now on loan to the Goderich-Exeter replacing one of their SD40s, out for repairs. A few weeks earlier the GEXR was borrowing a Dash-9 from CN. the year 2016 has been a rough year for the GEXR as far as motive power goes, with a number of units having mechanical issues, some of which have left the property for major overhauls, leaving the railroad very strapped for power.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: The sun has broken through a gap in the changing colours of a group of trees east of the station in Georgetown highlighting the nose of borrowed CN SD75 #5800. The unit is now on loan to the Goderich-Exeter replacing one of their SD40s, out for repairs. A few weeks earlier the GEXR was borrowing a Dash-9 from CN. the year 2016 has been a rough year for the GEXR as far as motive power goes, with a number of units having mechanical issues, some of which have left the property for major overhauls, leaving the railroad very strapped for power.

Marcus W Stevens [1078] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/18/2016 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5800 (search)
Train Symbol: 432 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Halton sub. (search)
City/Town: Georgetown (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26527
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  1. Great shot Marcus. Love the colours!

  2. I was told that an SD40-2 was not out for repairs. Yesterday had 3394 on it and today it had 3393. It’s due to the amount of tonnage in Mac yard. Even with the CN unit the train still stalled twice. Can someone confirm?

  3. You would think if it’s a tonnage issue they would have both SD40s in the consist wthvthr other six axle units.

  4. They have both SD40-2 on 432 along with 3054 and 5800 today

  5. Boys, 3394 was sent for tri-annual inspection in Goderich, which is why 5800 was leased. The inspection is done and unit has been returned to duty as of today.

    3393 isn’t doing very well so the motive power situation is indeed tenuous.

    As a result, yesterdays train did stall twice, once on Acton hill, a second time just west of Kitchener (there is a second grade there).

    Most of yesterdays train was for Stratford (5 cars set off at Guelph) so the tonnage was heavy for the ruling grade west of Kitchener.

    The plan is to take 5800 off tomorrow (Thursday) so one more round trip.

  6. I’m told Georgetown is all fenced in now (station)

  7. Sadly yes Steve, with the exception of where the station platform begins and ends. :( Go figure someone near there was hit by a train the day after the fence was installed. I guess it doesn’t stop everyone.

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