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The summer drop in traffic is in full effect with OSR sticking mainly to it's fleet of fuel efficient SW1200RSus for most of it's work.  OSR 1245 has just returned from working customers in Tilsonburg leaving it's cars clear of the St. Thomas sub main to be lifted by the Woodstock job with 1244, 1210 in charge.  Having returned from working Sylvite at Putnam, the Woodstock job is seen waiting on the air to come up for departure to the CP interchange while 1245 sits in the yard with a cut of loaded racks for CN.  They'll head to CAMI to lift another short cut of racks before heading to the CN interchange.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jacob Patterson all rights reserved.

Caption: The summer drop in traffic is in full effect with OSR sticking mainly to it's fleet of fuel efficient SW1200RSus for most of it's work. OSR 1245 has just returned from working customers in Tilsonburg leaving it's cars clear of the St. Thomas sub main to be lifted by the Woodstock job with 1244, 1210 in charge. Having returned from working Sylvite at Putnam, the Woodstock job is seen waiting on the air to come up for departure to the CP interchange while 1245 sits in the yard with a cut of loaded racks for CN. They'll head to CAMI to lift another short cut of racks before heading to the CN interchange.

Jacob Patterson [586] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/11/2022 (search)
Railway: Ontario Southland (search)
Reporting Marks: OSRX 1245 (search)
Train Symbol: Tilsonburg Job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: St. Thomas Sub. (search)
City/Town: Ingersoll (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49681
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  1. Nice picture Jacob, always amazed to see SW1200’s in regular operation decades after their introduction at CP & CN, and yes they are more fuel efficient than the F units and the the GP’s what with much higher fuel costs Might not be seeing F’s and GP’s operating until fuel costs are much lower and freight volume up. Thanks for posting, John

  2. Thanks John. With the fall propane season on the horizon a few more units should be out and about soon.

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