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The Stouffville line is another that has a number of assigned L6 sets, and therefore, F59PH's are regularly visitors to this line. Three would end up running the Stouffville line as the sun setted, while another went up the Richmond Hill line. L6 sets are also primarily based on the Richmond Hill, Barrie and Kitchener lines, and therefore they are the most likely to see F59PH's. According to Transsee however, the Stouffville line seems to provide the most consistency in their appearances. Neither the Kitchener or Barrie lines saw one this evening. After the final eight F59PH's were rebuilt, many were shuffled into L10L sets, and were used primarily on the Barrie line. L10L's are seemingly a thing of the past though, and L6's are now common, so the Stouffville line has taken those reigns.

GO 563 and train 872 has just hopped over the famous Lincolnville hump, and is slowing to enter Lincolnville station and yard. While the Newmarket, Bala, and Uxbridge Subs all pass through the Oak Ridges moraine, a brief skim of the Uxbridge Sub indicates it is by far the most hilly. No wonder CN had no interest in using this line for their transcontinental route.

I can still recall that Stouffville was a more relaxed town on the outskirts of GTA just 15 years ago, still having a bit of a rural like atmosphere to it. That's changed, so much so, the houses can now be seen creeping up to Lincolnville. The two crossings here even have a whistle ban. While Whitchurch-Stouffville has been GTA'ized, the Uxbridge Sub still extends a fair distance north to Uxbridge thanks to usage by the York-Durham Heritage Railway. It'll be interesting to see if the GTA invades even further northeast in the coming years, and brings GO train service with it to Uxbridge. Speaking of which, Google Maps indicates that new housing developments are occurring in Uxbridge. Pristine farmland views like this one are bound to be overrun in the coming decades. Though the F59PH's won't be around to see it. A Canadian cowl body, even in GO paint, looks pretty fitting plying through the rural fields. Enjoy the view while it lasts.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Daniel Odette all rights reserved.

Caption: The Stouffville line is another that has a number of assigned L6 sets, and therefore, F59PH's are regularly visitors to this line. Three would end up running the Stouffville line as the sun setted, while another went up the Richmond Hill line. L6 sets are also primarily based on the Richmond Hill, Barrie and Kitchener lines, and therefore they are the most likely to see F59PH's. According to Transsee however, the Stouffville line seems to provide the most consistency in their appearances. Neither the Kitchener or Barrie lines saw one this evening. After the final eight F59PH's were rebuilt, many were shuffled into L10L sets, and were used primarily on the Barrie line. L10L's are seemingly a thing of the past though, and L6's are now common, so the Stouffville line has taken those reigns.

GO 563 and train 872 has just hopped over the famous Lincolnville hump, and is slowing to enter Lincolnville station and yard. While the Newmarket, Bala, and Uxbridge Subs all pass through the Oak Ridges moraine, a brief skim of the Uxbridge Sub indicates it is by far the most hilly. No wonder CN had no interest in using this line for their transcontinental route.

I can still recall that Stouffville was a more relaxed town on the outskirts of GTA just 15 years ago, still having a bit of a rural like atmosphere to it. That's changed, so much so, the houses can now be seen creeping up to Lincolnville. The two crossings here even have a whistle ban. While Whitchurch-Stouffville has been GTA'ized, the Uxbridge Sub still extends a fair distance north to Uxbridge thanks to usage by the York-Durham Heritage Railway. It'll be interesting to see if the GTA invades even further northeast in the coming years, and brings GO train service with it to Uxbridge. Speaking of which, Google Maps indicates that new housing developments are occurring in Uxbridge. Pristine farmland views like this one are bound to be overrun in the coming decades. Though the F59PH's won't be around to see it. A Canadian cowl body, even in GO paint, looks pretty fitting plying through the rural fields. Enjoy the view while it lasts.

Daniel Odette [155] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/31/2018 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 563 (search)
Train Symbol: GO 872 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 39.2 GO Uxbridge Subdivision - Lincolnville (search)
City/Town: Stouffville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=33562
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  1. Soon I wonder if the good tilled Earth will magically sprout houses or condos? Then we can tell our kids “yes, it did look like this”.

  2. For the record, there are 4 L6 sets that spend the night at Lincolnville, 1 at Richmond Hill and 2 at Bradford. The last set starts and ends its day at Willowbrook.

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