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The South Simcoe Railway Heritage Corporation's Rogers 4-4-0 #136 is probably about the most famous locomotive operating in the country. It starred in the 1970's CBC television production, "The National Dream" which is what it is known best for, but it also took part in the famous (for train buffs) 1960 Triple Header fantrip in Ontario. I was fortunate enough to ride behind her and the #1057 back in 1974 on a trip to Owen Sound from Toronto and return, which was a Credit Valley Rwy excursion. This rather attractive steam engine was built way back in 1883, and spent many years under the Canadian Pacific banner. Now, it is semi-retired to the South Simcoe Railway, a short Tottenham to Beeton tourist run. It underwent restoration recently, returning to service on the railway in 2011. In this image, it looks as if the 'boys' are giving it a 'once-over' before they start the day's runs.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: The South Simcoe Railway Heritage Corporation's Rogers 4-4-0 #136 is probably about the most famous locomotive operating in the country. It starred in the 1970's CBC television production, "The National Dream" which is what it is known best for, but it also took part in the famous (for train buffs) 1960 Triple Header fantrip in Ontario. I was fortunate enough to ride behind her and the #1057 back in 1974 on a trip to Owen Sound from Toronto and return, which was a Credit Valley Rwy excursion. This rather attractive steam engine was built way back in 1883, and spent many years under the Canadian Pacific banner. Now, it is semi-retired to the South Simcoe Railway, a short Tottenham to Beeton tourist run. It underwent restoration recently, returning to service on the railway in 2011. In this image, it looks as if the 'boys' are giving it a 'once-over' before they start the day's runs.

A.W.Mooney [2208] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/18/1993 (search)
Railway: Tourist (search)
Reporting Marks: SSR(HC) #136 (search)
Train Symbol: unknown (search)
Subdivision/SNS: MP 54.9 (station) (search)
City/Town: Tottenham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=31323
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