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The sombre mood seems to match the miserable weather as a westbound freight with two RS18s (3845 and possibly 3722) struggles up the Copetown hill near the Dundas station in late 1959. In the consist we can see three steam locomotives (Grand Trunk 2-8-2s 3703, 3709 and an unidentified engine) making what is likely their final trip, probably to the reclamation yard in London for scrapping.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Page all rights reserved.

Caption: The sombre mood seems to match the miserable weather as a westbound freight with two RS18s (3845 and possibly 3722) struggles up the Copetown hill near the Dundas station in late 1959. In the consist we can see three steam locomotives (Grand Trunk 2-8-2s 3703, 3709 and an unidentified engine) making what is likely their final trip, probably to the reclamation yard in London for scrapping.

Doug Page [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 12//1959 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3845 (search)
Train Symbol: westbound (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Dundas (search)
City/Town: Dundas (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39527
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Photo ID: 38332

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  1. An interesting and rare shot. Sad too.

  2. I don’t have files on steam sell-offs, scrappings etc., but it seems odd that GT steam would be westbound.
    Unless of course these are from GT of New England.
    In which case, the plethora of non-mechanical reefers makes this a Battle Creek bound train.

  3. They are definitely GT engines, Bruce—I checked other scanned slides taken at the same time. Also note the “State of Maine” car behind the third engine…definitely suggests some of the train originated on Grand Trunk New England lines—John

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