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The power for the CN rail salvage train is viewed tied down for the night at Line 60, which was the first crossing west of Palmerston on the CN Newton Subdivision. The crew had uncoupled from the rail train several miles back and pulled the power up to the crossing where they would be picked-up and driven back to Stratford. The following day, CN GP9RM's 4115 and 4140 would return to the rail train cars and continue the assignment of taking-up the line towards Listowel. During April 1996, CN had removed the last sections of the Newton and Owen Sound Subdivisions that remained between Harriston and Stratford.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) all rights reserved.

Caption: The power for the CN rail salvage train is viewed tied down for the night at Line 60, which was the first crossing west of Palmerston on the CN Newton Subdivision. The crew had uncoupled from the rail train several miles back and pulled the power up to the crossing where they would be picked-up and driven back to Stratford. The following day, CN GP9RM's 4115 and 4140 would return to the rail train cars and continue the assignment of taking-up the line towards Listowel. During April 1996, CN had removed the last sections of the Newton and Owen Sound Subdivisions that remained between Harriston and Stratford.

Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) [1014] (more) (contact)
Date: April 7, 1996 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4115 (search)
Train Symbol: CN Rail Removal Train (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Newton Subdivision (search)
City/Town: West of Palmerston (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41453
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  1. A historic photo, thanks for sharing this set Jason.

    I wish I could have seen the rails in Palmerston, unreal how it’s all gone now.

  2. Thanks Steve.

  3. Note- Should be Line 90 not Line 60.

  4. Sad day for the last parts of this line for sure…and for rail historians alike. Having been born at Palmerston….I always loved taking trips back there. There always seemed to still be a flurry of activity in the old yard during the 80s. However, one could tell the end was near in the early 90s. Early April 1996 found my brother and I taking a day trip to Palmerston. The weather was crappy…dull dreary and rainy day. But imagine my excitement to see a glimpse of a train before quickly going through the downtown core. We pulled up to the station….and the train was parked just before the Main St. crossing. Did not see a crew around. Found the old station was opened. My brother had ventured in and went upstairs…main floor you did not want to risk walking on as the floor sagged…draping itself across the beams. We didnt stay long…had hoped to see the train depart.

    Sadly no camera back then…so I guess I could be telling a tale! But I figure it was the last train through Palmerston, collecting all remaining freight stored in sidings etc before this last part of the line was ripped out. I had written the station off too…until 1996 when I saw a photo of it at the beginning stages of its restoration.

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