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The Oshawa Railway was a small electric regional railway that provided passenger and freight service in the City of Oshawa from the late 1800's until owner CN converted operations from electric to diesel in May of 1964. Pictured here at Oshawa Railway's shops is OR 402, an electric freight motor built new by OR in 1928, retired in 1964, and scrapped by CN in 1969.

 [Note: image geotagged for OR's "new" shops, which were located just south of Rossland Rd. East]
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: The Oshawa Railway was a small electric regional railway that provided passenger and freight service in the City of Oshawa from the late 1800's until owner CN converted operations from electric to diesel in May of 1964. Pictured here at Oshawa Railway's shops is OR 402, an electric freight motor built new by OR in 1928, retired in 1964, and scrapped by CN in 1969.

[Note: image geotagged for OR's "new" shops, which were located just south of Hillcroft St]

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 00/00/1962 (search)
Railway: Oshawa Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: OR 402 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Oshawa Railway Hillcroft Shops (search)
City/Town: Oshawa (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=13704
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Photo ID: 12684

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Another great shot in your traction series. Thanks for posting. Hiawatha Pete. http://northamericabyrail.info

  2. Now there is something you don’t see often, a clean shot of an OR juice jack. This is great Bill! I shot one run right at the end of operation under CN in 1997, including a shot at the Hillcroft Yard. If you’ve any more, we’d all love to see them!

  3. Steve, pretty sure this is taken at the Hillcroft shops on the south side of Hillcroft Street. The ‘Nordco’ building noted on the map is the former OR shop and office building, still in use last time I was there, and for a rail service company no less.

  4. Mike, I’ll pass on the corrections. I hope you photographed that building, it looks like it was demolished sometime between September 2011 and today.

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