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The old Hanover CN station was a solidly built structure. It dates back into the 1900s. However, it fell into disuse as the traffic on the line dwindled down and closed some years before I shot this image in 1977. It lived on as a depot for various things, inc the Boy Scout bottle Drive depot and then Municipal storage. I believe it is gone now. The track was lifted in the mid 90s.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: The old Hanover CN station was a solidly built structure. It dates back into the 1900s. However, it fell into disuse as the traffic on the line dwindled down and closed some years before I shot this image in 1977. It lived on as a depot for various things, inc the Boy Scout bottle Drive depot and then Municipal storage. I believe it is gone now. The track was lifted in the mid 90s.

A.W.Mooney [2210] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/28/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: nil (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Owen Sound Sub. (search)
City/Town: Hanover (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=31479
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Photo ID: 30307

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  1. A worthy entry in the MOONEY STATION GALLERY. There was some railway activity when you shot your picture. I wonder how much business activity remains in Hanover. I’m sure the furniture factories are alll gone although maybe there is still a grain mill .

  2. “New Life Mills” or whatever it’s called now should still be operating.

    To answer your belief Arnold the station is long gone. It lasted to see the last freight depart Hanover in ’92, I believe it was. It was gone by the time they removed the rails in ’96

  3. Mucho thanks, D.A.Y.

  4. Yes, the Parrish & Heimbecker operation does a booming business. All these branchlines were abandoned long before the diversified use of grains crept into the food chain of today. P&H sells all manner of all grades to a lot of different retail producers, and it all moves – inbound/outbound – via your provincial roads.

  5. Too bad I can’t find a photo of the CP station in Hanover. My Uncle Arthur Busby was the freight agent there for decades.

  6. I hope he left you some souvenirs!!! I have another station photo from Hanover; but I don’t know whose it was. Small wooden nondescript building maybe 25 ft x 35 ft with small bay window. It was being used as a farm storage building and had a small greenhouse attached at the end.
    I’ve never seen a shot of a CP sta in that town. Because this small station was only a couple of blocks from the one I posted, I assumed it might be an earlier CN.

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