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The old GTR/CNR Brampton Station, downtown on a sunny day as a pair of VIA Budd RDC's accelerate eastbound out of the station platforms bound for Toronto.

According to various historical sources, the Grand Trunk Railway built their Toronto-Stratford line through Brampton in 1856, and the arrival of the railway gave rise to more commercial and industrial activity and allowed the town to flourish. The current elegant brick station was built in 1907 by the GTR, after a push by a local town councillor for better train service and a more up-to-date station to replace the original one.

A few "tenant" changes took place over the years: the station was operated by CN until VIA took over their passenger services. GO Transit introduced their new Georgetown Line commuter service in April 1974, originally operating its ticket booth out of the former Express building on the left (note green door and fencing preventing entry without a ticket, before the POP era). Today the station building proper is home to both VIA and GO, still in regular use over 100 years since it was built.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: The old GTR/CNR Brampton Station, downtown on a sunny day as a pair of VIA Budd RDC's accelerate eastbound out of the station platforms bound for Toronto.

According to various historical sources, the Grand Trunk Railway built their Toronto-Stratford line through Brampton in 1856, and the arrival of the railway gave rise to more commercial and industrial activity and allowed the town to flourish. The current elegant brick station was built in 1907 by the GTR, after a push by a local town councillor for better train service and a more up-to-date station to replace the original one.

A few "tenant" changes took place over the years: the station was operated by CN until VIA took over their passenger services. GO Transit introduced their new Georgetown Line commuter service in April 1974, originally operating its ticket booth out of the former Express building on the left (note green door and fencing preventing entry without a ticket, before the POP era). Today the station building proper is home to both VIA and GO, still in regular use over 100 years since it was built.

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/00/1981 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6204 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Brampton Station - CN Halton Sub (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22176
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  1. Very neat Bill. This looks almost like the CNR/GTR depot at Stratford. Was this a standard design?

  2. hmm, probably not. There’s a historical document out on the station dating from 1992, in it it states the Brampton Station wasn’t a common design compared to the other GTR ones that were built at the time.

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