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The new and the old - the New GO Station, officially called "West Harbour" and the old GO train - yes, that's right, this train is already old - all old paint - and an ageing cab car up front. The truth is, this photo will be even harder to get one year from now when more and more 'new scheme' GO cars are released.. and lets not forget the new cab cars too..
What was interesting - even though I made fun of GO and Metrolinx for rushing this station so badly for the pan am games - what you see here is GO 573, which parked here for the afternoon, and in the far distance, you see GO 571 parked in the yard on the other side of the new signal bridge. Both of these trains were for the pan-am soccer (Football) event and both trains combined, had about 1500 people on board - the mass of people coming out of these trains was nothing short of a 'wow, they were right' moment. 
I was hoping to replicate John Eull's Hamilton GO photo from 1991 but with a 12 car train, the engine hangs out west of Stuart St... if they build a connection back to the Oakville through where I'm standing, it may be possible... in a few more years.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: The new and the old - the New GO Station, officially called "West Harbour" and the old GO train - yes, that's right, this train is already old - all old paint - and an ageing cab car up front. The truth is, this photo will be even harder to get one year from now when more and more 'new scheme' GO cars are released.. and lets not forget the new cab cars too..

What was interesting - even though I made fun of GO and Metrolinx for rushing this station so badly for the pan am games - what you see here is GO 573, which parked here for the afternoon, and in the far distance, you see GO 571 parked in the yard on the other side of the new signal bridge. Both of these trains were for the pan-am soccer (Football) event and both trains combined, had about 1500 people on board - the mass of people coming out of these trains was nothing short of a 'wow, they were right' moment.

I was hoping to replicate John Eull's Hamilton GO photo from 1991 but with a 12 car train, the engine hangs out west of Stuart St... if they build a connection back to the Oakville through where I'm standing, it may be possible... in a few more years.

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/26/2015 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 249 (search)
Train Symbol: GO 573 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: West Harbour (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=20100
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Photo ID: 18972

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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One Comment
  1. This sidewalk is now gone, f.y.i. Ripped out after less than a month.

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