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The GMDH-3, a one of a kind prototype.
In 1959 GMD embarked on developing a new type of small locomotives. This one was built in 1960. In 1963 it became a plant switcher for McKinnon Industries, known by most of as the GM Plant 2, Glendale Av in St. Catharines. Their rail connection is with CN at approximately mile 8.3; just east of the Welland Canal drawbridge. I recall the unit in the plant's yellow colours.  In 1992 the unit was sold to the South Simcoe Railway, a popular tourist train destination. It is here I saw it among other stored equipment.
In 1995 the board of directors felt there was little use for this unique engine and it was offered for sale.
A fund for intent to purchase was started up by the Southern Michigan Rwy, and was successful. The unit went Stateside. I recall seeing it in a pale blue scheme at Clinton MI a few years ago.
Canada's loss.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: The GMDH-3, a one of a kind prototype. In 1959 GMD embarked on developing a new type of small locomotives. This one was built in 1960. In 1963 it became a plant switcher for McKinnon Industries, known by most of as the GM Plant 2, Glendale Av in St. Catharines. Their rail connection is with CN at approximately mile 8.3; just east of the Welland Canal drawbridge. I recall the unit in the plant's yellow colours. In 1992 the unit was sold to the South Simcoe Railway, a popular tourist train destination. It is here I saw it among other stored equipment. In 1995 the board of directors felt there was little use for this unique engine and it was offered for sale. A fund for intent to purchase was started up by the Southern Michigan Rwy, and was successful. The unit went Stateside. I recall seeing it in a pale blue scheme at Clinton MI a few years ago. Canada's loss.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/18/1993 (search)
Railway: Preservation (search)
Reporting Marks: #275 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: South Simcoe Yard (search)
City/Town: Tottenham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45685
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  1. There was also the center-cab version called the GMDH-1, IIRC. Hudson Bay Oil and Gas at their Kaybob, Alberta, had one. Because it had their initials on it, a lot of railfans I know referred to it as the ‘HBOG from Kaybob”

  2. Thanks for this. I saw this unit there but neglected to take a picture as I was distracted by 136 under steam.

  3. Eric: Oh yeah, that’ll do it !!!!!

  4. Thanks for posting Mr. M. and for your informative comments. A most interesting little piece of Canadian diesel locomotive history. Is the GMDH-3 still at South Simcoe Railway or did they get rid of it ? John

  5. Twenty-five years ago, John, the GMDH-3 became the property of the Southern Michigan Railroad Society, and they no doubt are enjoying it.
    The group runs passenger train tours between Clinton (where it is based) and Tecumseh, Michigan

  6. Interesting that it went from New Tecumseh (Tottenham) Ontario to Tecumseh, Michigan, and thank the good Lord it went to the Southern Michigan Railroad Society. If it were still at SSR, it would have been neglected and rusting away like so much of their equipment. Thanks for up date, John

  7. Woe! So very unique

  8. Arnold… I remember the unit well when I worked at GM Glendale in the mid-80′s, and yes it was in YELLOW, very odd looking thing, especially from the front, I made it inside the unit once, and GM almost never used it, sat there as a back-up

  9. There were four of the GMDH-1′s built, but only this one lone GMDH-3 (basically 2/3rds of a full-sized GMDH1). It’s neat that GM’s styling department even got to have a hand working their magic on this little switcher unit.

    There’s some Youtube videos out there of it moving around on the SMRS, very obviously Detroit Diesel powered!

  10. Seems kind of sad South Simcoe got rid of the unit seeing it really did not have much wrong with it. Just didn’t fit in with their plans……

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