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The GEXR was a very interesting operation under Railtex, as well as successor RailAmerica, with the railroad often starved for power. Thanks to the climb out of the harbour in Goderich pushing many prime movers to the max, the original GP9s didn't last long as larger power was soon needed to move heavy salt and grain trains to and from the port and on the branch to Centralia. By 1998 only #177 remained from the original group. The one time Cartier RR GP9 is seen here with a slug set, which comprised of a former KCS GP7 (only its traction motors remain operational) and a former T&P GP35 converted to a GP38 as the mother unit. The train is seen at Cowie, which is the junction where the line from Goderich meets the Guelph subdivision. By the end of RailAmerica's control of the Goderich - Exeter all three units would be gone from the roster and scrapped.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: The GEXR was a very interesting operation under Railtex, as well as successor RailAmerica, with the railroad often starved for power. Thanks to the climb out of the harbour in Goderich pushing many prime movers to the max, the original GP9s didn't last long as larger power was soon needed to move heavy salt and grain trains to and from the port and on the branch to Centralia. By 1998 only #177 remained from the original group. The one time Cartier RR GP9 is seen here with a slug set, which comprised of a former KCS GP7 (only its traction motors remain operational) and a former T&P GP35 converted to a GP38 as the mother unit. The train is seen at Cowie, which is the junction where the line from Goderich meets the Guelph subdivision. By the end of RailAmerica's control of the Goderich - Exeter all three units would be gone from the roster and scrapped.

Marcus W Stevens [1076] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/23/1998 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: GEXR 177 (search)
Train Symbol: 581 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Guelph sub. (search)
City/Town: Stratford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26317
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  1. Ah the classic GEXR days. Wish I was around to see them.

  2. And Cowie was named for a long retired CN dispatcher out of Toronto. Listening to him on the radio was always an education!

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