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The first run of VIA-Amtrak's joint "Maple Leaf" was on April 27th 1981, but it appears some test runs were done before then. Earlier that month, Amtrak F40PH 339 (bearing extra flags), heads westbound through Bayview on the Oakville Sub with a short Maple Leaf test train consist of two Amfleet cars and what appears to be a business or private car on the tail end. Amtrak 339 was the only unit to bear a small VIA logo on the nose, which only lasted about a year (by mid-1982 it was buffed off). Power-wise, Amtrak F40PH units were staples on the Maple Leaf train for years, including after the former GO Transit GP40TC's began showing up in the late 80's. 

Bill McArthur photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill McArthur photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: The first run of VIA-Amtrak's joint "Maple Leaf" was on April 27th 1981, but it appears some test runs were done before then. Earlier that month, Amtrak F40PH 339 (bearing extra flags), heads westbound through Bayview on the Oakville Sub with a short Maple Leaf test train consist of two Amfleet cars and what appears to be a business or private car on the tail end. Amtrak 339 was the only unit to bear a small VIA logo on the nose, which only lasted about a year (by mid-1982 it was buffed off). Power-wise, Amtrak F40PH units were staples on the Maple Leaf train for years, including after the former GO Transit GP40TC's began showing up in the late 80's.

Bill McArthur photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

Bill McArthur photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1006] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/10/1981 (search)
Railway: Amtrak (search)
Reporting Marks: AMTK 339 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA-Amtrak Maple Leaf "Test Train" (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Bayview Junction - CN Oakville Sub (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40648
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  1. It, along with the Vermonter, were one of the last trains to use F40PH’s, because crews had not been trained on the P42′s yet. I’m not so sure about the B32′s though. I am guessing there will be a similar arrangement when the SC-44′s come online, since Amtrak already has them online and the GE’s are starting to be scrapped.

    The Vermonter also had one or 2 of the former GO Transit F40′s as power on a regular basis. At least 1, but sometimes 2. I’m almost certain the Vermonter switched to GE’s before the Maple Leaf did.

  2. A minor correction: the first run of the Maple Leaf occurred on April 26th, but a proper ceremonial run was held the next day on April 27th:


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