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The first CN heritage unit on the road leaqding a train is departing Mac Yard under very stormy skies. Heads up to you Montreal folks! It begins.....
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: First Heritage:CN 3115 begins the heritage unit journey on CN as it departs with one leading for the first time destined for Montreal. Heads up to you Montreal folks! It begins..... thanks to CN for the hard work with these, it's going to be a very interesting fall/winter for photographers across this continent. Hopefully some folks @ CN head office see this - our photographers are more than willing to send you guys some pictures :)

Photo notes: 50mm f/1.8 for that sweet sweet low light.... and it was still not easy.

Stephen C. Host [1541] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/15/2020 (search)
Railway: BC Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3115 (search)
Train Symbol: CN X376 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Snider (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43401
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Photo ID: 42182

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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All comments must be positive in nature and abide by site rules. Anything else may be removed without warning.

  1. Wow! That new paint job almost makes it look like it is glowing. Well done catch and photo. :-)

  2. Hot rare action

  3. Holy hell

  4. Believe you meant, Hot. Rail. Action.

  5. Did anyone post to FPON? Bueller? (oh wait, I just did)

  6. Best looking unit so far!

  7. I am being told there was a BCOL D9 mid DPU. Mr Host, can you confirm or deny this claim?

  8. That would be a factual statement Isaac

  9. Ok thanks Joseph!

  10. Joseph Bishop is correct.

  11. I’m informed this is now leading 120 out of Montreal this morning.

  12. 121? 120 goes east

  13. Never mind I misread what you said

  14. Great shot Stephen. Man, those colours are bright! It looks 376 is departing York 2 and you were on Jane St?
    I am more than pleased that CN finally did something to honour their past. I was extremely disappointed at their lame 100 stickers on the Evos. Kudos CN..keep them coming!

  15. Keele St Phil…..always a good spot

  16. Oh silly me. I meant to say Keele St. Many a time I have waved, honked or blown kisses at the fans on Keele St. It definitely is a good spot to get shots of trains departing, arriving or moving through the Snider bypass.

  17. Tx all – this blew up good. Hope to see many more pictures of these on here in the coming weeks. Might even get a couple more myself!

  18. sweet stuff! pretty excited to see photos of that EJE unit when it gets it’s chance to lead!

  19. All, the press release is out:


    Basically, CN is celebrating companies acquired since going public, along with the GTW painted unit :)

  20. Aidan here’s your EJ&E:


    It has only come once so far around here…. that I can remember.

  21. EJ&E came south into Toronto on 114 in early January and went back north on 115 the same day.

  22. Thank you.. they have not come by all that often honestly!

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