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The fireman of CNR U-2-a 6105, one of the earliest Confederation type locomotives built for the Canadian National Railways by the Canadian Locomotive Company in July of 1927, is busy atop the tender at Hamilton yard taking on water from the standpipe.  6105 was the first Confederation on CNR to be built with a booster engine, the prior 6100 – 6104 were built without, though 6100 briefly had one installed for display at Baltimore’s Fair of the Iron Horse in October 1927.  These boosters, mounted on the rear axle of the trailing truck beneath the cab, were used to start a heavy train or operate at low speed under certain conditions using the excess steam that is created though not used at low speeds.  6105 would be scrapped in February 1960.  Note the building at upper right on Bay Street, today the home of Hutch’s Harbour Front fish & chip restaurant (2nd location), built circa 1940.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Reg Button Collection; Collection of Bob Bratina all rights reserved.

Caption: The fireman of CNR U-2-a 6105, one of the earliest Confederation type locomotives built for the Canadian National Railways by the Canadian Locomotive Company in July of 1927, is busy atop the tender at Hamilton yard taking on water from the standpipe. 6105 was the first Confederation on CNR to be built with a booster engine, the prior 6100 – 6104 were built without, though 6100 briefly had one installed for display at Baltimore’s Fair of the Iron Horse in October 1927. These boosters, mounted on the rear axle of the trailing truck beneath the cab, were used to start a heavy train or operate at low speed under certain conditions using the excess steam that is created though not used at low speeds. 6105 would be scrapped in February 1960. Note the building at upper right on Bay Street, today the home of Hutch’s Harbour Front fish & chip restaurant (2nd location), built circa 1940.

Reg Button Collection; Collection of Bob Bratina [22] (more) (contact)
Date: 1950s (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNR 6105 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 6105 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hamilton Yard (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=44884
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