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This is very nice Arnold – A moody shot. Was TH&B power running thru common? I mean I’ve seen shots of it in Buffalo, but it would seem in later years they tended to keep the power in Canada. I could be totally wrong, I wasn’t there – just reading in books and photos found…
That’s really cool. I always wonder what it looked like before the casino was built when wandering around Niagara Falls with the Mrs., and now I know! I wish I had ventured to Niagara Falls before the line through Clifton Hill was torn up. Great shot Arnold!
You too eh Rob. I was there, with my Girlfriend (now Wife) and I saw trains, but was like, i’ll come back later for pictures – we had other plans. This was November 2001. Obviously I didn’t know and it was too late when I found out. Makes me glad others took and share ‘em. Thanks Arnold
Thanks, Fellers. I have a hard time grasping the fact it was this wide open back then, now that I am looking back at some old images. Glad it was possible to snare some old action photos, but now I get to thinking maybe I should have been looking at real estate. ) As far as TH&B power; well the big problem was this train returned mostly at sundown…..I can think of at least 25-30 times I went looking for it and darkness came first. Went stateside in the dark and stayed there all day……
I will join the chorus and not recognise where you shot this. The Skylon Tower is the only feature I see.
Thinking of your TH&B comment, Steve: They only operated another 7- 8 years after this before CP had them rebuilt and into CP series, so their US touring was rather limited probably due to age and reliability issues. Someone on this group might have some actual statistics for us.
This is CR run-thru train BUCP (BUffalo-CP Toronto) a.k.a. KINNEAR. It was previously known under Penn Central as FT-1 (Frontier-Toronto) and TF-2 ( vicey versa). There two sets of power, in a perfect world, assigned to it. The guy coming the other way, later this night, would have 3 PC/CR GP7/9′s.
I think this grassy area was a power plant or a power plant intake or output…?? Having run a few dozen C&O trains thru here, I recognise that double crossbuck. Its not a public road, its private.
Thanks, BEM’r. I was kinda fishing for you to answer without asking by name. And yes, that is a private road. Nice parkland to wander in though.
Geez, a time where the falls actually looked bare?