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The end of the line (again)?Following a vague statement this summer that it would seek to sell off 850 miles of non-core lines in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ontario, many people rightly suspected that CN was poised to divest itself of its Algoma Central Railway subsidiary. CN confirmed this week (Dec. 14) that the ACR was indeed up for sale and that the company is working with prospective buyers.Many rail enthusiasts and the communities that the ACR supports are hopeful that a successful new operator will take over, but only time will tell which group that may be and if it can make a go of it. If CN can't find a suitable buyer, well? Then what? At the risk of firing up the railfan rumour mill (everyone's favourite!), this will be an outcome to watch in the coming years.(Oh, and photo caption, it's 0822 and the ACR passenger train, which last ran in 2015, idles before the crew comes on duty after breakfast, reverses to the wye and makes their southward trip home.)
Copyright Notice: This image ©8814N all rights reserved.


The end of the line (again)?
Following a vague statement this summer that it would seek to sell off 850 miles of non-core lines in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ontario, many people rightly suspected that CN was poised to divest itself of its Algoma Central Railway subsidiary. CN confirmed this week (Dec. 14) that the ACR was indeed up for sale and that the company is working with prospective buyers.

Many rail enthusiasts and the communities that the ACR supports are hopeful that a successful new operator will take over, but only time will tell which group that may be and if it can make a go of it. If CN can't find a suitable buyer, well? Then what? At the risk of firing up the railfan rumour mill (everyone's favourite!), this will be an outcome to watch in the coming years.

(Oh, and photo caption, it's 0822 and the ACR passenger train, which last ran in 2015, idles before the crew comes on duty after breakfast, reverses to the wye and makes their southward trip home.)

8814N [29] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/14/2015 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 106 (search)
Train Symbol: CN P632 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hearst (search)
City/Town: Hearst (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43691
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