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The crew of CN 514 had a short morning because all they did was run to Thamesville and back to Chatham.  Of course I went on a wild goose chase trying to find them before realising this but that's how it goes some times.  In hindsight I should have bailed off the 401 when I heard static on the scanner while going by Thamesville.  Thankfully they briefly stopped at the station in Chatham affording me time to get one shot of the train.  Here CN 1439 and 1444 are backing their 6 car train in to the siding east of Keil Drive South before calling it a day.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smith all rights reserved.

Caption: The crew of CN 514 had a short morning because all they did was run to Thamesville and back to Chatham. Of course I went on a wild goose chase trying to find them before realising this but that's how it goes some times. In hindsight I should have bailed off the 401 when I heard static on the scanner while going by Thamesville. Thankfully they briefly stopped at the station in Chatham affording me time to get one shot of the train. Here CN 1439 and 1444 are backing their 6 car train in to the siding east of Keil Drive South before calling it a day.

Rob Smith [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/15/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1439 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 514 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Chatham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40339
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  1. Nice looking 514

  2. Oh, to be a youngster………….

  3. Nice catch Rob! Cool to still see the GMD1s operating in normal service…think I need to post some shots of mine that I caught in Kitchener last year.

  4. Although this is no longer the front, the era I come from, they are facing “front” to the camera. And they look great. :-)

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