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The CPR station in Vegreville is located about 2 blocks from the CNR station. Currently there are no tracks anywhere near it and it is currently being used as a bottle depot. The interior has been modified slightly, but a lot of the original features are still there. It's foot print is smaller than that of the local CN station.
Track wise, the the CPR Vegreville station was located at the south end of a branch that came down from the village of Willingdon AB. Only two railway related structures remain from the abandoned branch lines use. One is the Vegreville station and the other is grain elevator used by a local Warwick farmer.
Copyright Notice: This image ©J W Booth all rights reserved.

Caption: The CPR station in Vegreville is located about 2 blocks from the CNR station. Currently there are no tracks anywhere near it and it is currently being used as a bottle depot. The interior has been modified slightly, but a lot of the original features are still there. It's foot print is smaller than that of the local CN station. Track wise, the the CPR Vegreville station was located at the south end of a branch that came down from the village of Willingdon AB. Only two railway related structures remain from the abandoned branch lines use. One is the Vegreville station and the other is grain elevator used by a local Warwick farmer.

J W Booth [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 05-01-2006 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: vegreville (search)
City/Town: vegreville (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=44754
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Photo ID: 43520

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One Comment
  1. Nice to see it is a survivor. I saw this one in 1976, had one track out front; but didn’t look all that much different over all those years.
    Great stuff. Hope you have more stations from the area!!

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