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The CN RTC is juggling trains left and right on the CN Halton Sub, just before the evening rush hour GO trains start swarming his territory. He (or she) has managed to squeeze through GEXR #431 on its way back home, a CN #392, and this rare evening move right in the middle of the evening rush hour: what was probably CN #559 clogging up the south main track to work the Dixie Cup Spur in downtown Brampton.  CN GP9RM's 4102 and 4115 have dumped their 3-car train on the south mainline, and the crew are riding the front steps as the two Geeps head down the Dixie Cup Spur across Railroad St. by Haggart to lift a pair of boxcars from the Georgia Pacific plant at Queen & McMurchy (originally opened as the Dixie Cup Company). They'll then head back to the main, couple to their train, and back down again with the inbound cars to spot. After finishing up, they'll back homeward against the "GO rush", fighting for time to run the Brampton East-Peel single track gauntlet. Two or so years later the switch to the mainline was taken out, G-P switched to trucks, and the RTC never had to worry about having to squeeze a #559 through downtown during rush hours.
Copyright Notice: This image ©MrDan all rights reserved.

Caption: The CN RTC is juggling trains left and right on the CN Halton Sub, just before the evening rush hour GO trains start swarming his territory. He (or she) has managed to squeeze through GEXR #431 on its way back home, a CN #392, and this rare evening move right in the middle of the evening rush hour: what was probably CN #559 clogging up the south main track to work the Dixie Cup Spur in downtown Brampton.

CN GP9RM's 4102 and 4115 have dumped their 3-car train on the south mainline, and the crew are riding the front steps as the two Geeps head down the Dixie Cup Spur across Railroad St. by Haggart to lift a pair of boxcars from the Georgia Pacific plant at Queen & McMurchy (originally opened as the Dixie Cup Company). They'll then head back to the main, couple to their train, and back down again with the inbound cars to spot. After finishing up, they'll back homeward against the "GO rush", fighting for time to run the Brampton East-Peel single track gauntlet. Two or so years later the switch to the mainline was taken out, G-P switched to trucks, and the RTC never had to worry about having to squeeze a #559 through downtown during rush hours.

MrDan [1023] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/23/2006 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4102, 4115 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 559 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Dixie Cup Spur - CN Halton Sub (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24580
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