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The CN (former GTR) station at Brighton has had a long history. This old structure, in place since 1857, has made the news once again. With possible demolition on the horizon, it apparently has been saved. Information provided by Adam Peltenburg, historian railfan, indicates the station has been or will be purchased soon by Coles Timber Mart, a local building supplier. The plan is to restore the old landmark and bring it back to its former glory.  Brighton CN saw its last passenger service in 1962, and it sat more or less vacant until around 1995 when a Ralph Bangay purchased it, and with surrounding lands built up his Memory Junction Railway Museum. Well, all good things eventually come to an end, and Ralph called it retirement in late 2017. Unfortunately there were no takers in the efforts to find someone to carry on the museum, and a lot of the equipment has been auctioned off. The station may be the only survivor of its' brick design; as most along the line were built of wood, brick and/or stone; and most have been demolished over the years. I have not been back to Brighton in a long time, and wonder if the station has changed much in the 40 years since this photo was taken.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: The CN (former GTR) station at Brighton has had a long history. This old structure, in place since 1857, has made the news once again. With possible demolition on the horizon, it apparently has been saved. Information provided by Adam Peltenburg, historian railfan, indicates the station has been or will be purchased soon by Coles Timber Mart, a local building supplier. The plan is to restore the old landmark and bring it back to its former glory. Brighton CN saw its last passenger service in 1962, and it sat more or less vacant until around 1995 when a Ralph Bangay purchased it, and with surrounding lands built up his Memory Junction Railway Museum. Well, all good things eventually come to an end, and Ralph called it retirement in late 2017. Unfortunately there were no takers in the efforts to find someone to carry on the museum, and a lot of the equipment has been auctioned off. The station may be the only survivor of its' brick design; as most along the line were built of wood, brick and/or stone; and most have been demolished over the years. I have not been back to Brighton in a long time, and wonder if the station has changed much in the 40 years since this photo was taken.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/14/1981 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: not applicable (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kingston Sub. (search)
City/Town: Brighton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=44537
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  1. Arnold, it is true, Cole’s Timber Mart of Brighton, Ontario has purchased the above ex-GTR station building and land it sits on, but not the railway track, railway cars , CNR 2-8-0 , artifacts etc which as you state either have been sold or are to sold by auction. According to the Cole’s Timber Mart online site, the family owning Cole’s has known the Bangays for 60 years and again as you stated are planning to restore it to original state. In Nov 2019, I breezed by at 90 + mph on VIA (unfortunately sitting on the wrong side), the main structure was definitely there, but not sure of the ancillary building. Think it may have been removed. John

  2. You’re on top of everything, aren’t you, Lad !!! The guys at Friends of Freeman Station had their eye on the old 2-8-0 but it went to a private bidder, I hear. Bless those guys at Coles. Lifesavers!!!

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