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The Canadian Pacific yard crew is busy getting ready for the arrival of the Eastbound Canadian.  Cars have to be pulled from the storage tracks on the east end of the station, sorted, and staged.  The new CPRail paint is almost complete, but a few cars still exist in the older version.  A lot has changed since this photo was taken, for example, the west half of the station is gone, as are the brick chimney, water tank, and storage tracks.  And the view now blocked by the Paris Street bridge.
Copyright Notice: This image ©First954 all rights reserved.

Caption: The Canadian Pacific yard crew is busy getting ready for the arrival of the Eastbound Canadian. Cars have to be pulled from the storage tracks on the east end of the station, sorted, and staged. The new CPRail paint is almost complete, but a few cars still exist in the older version. A lot has changed since this photo was taken, for example, the west half of the station is gone, as are the brick chimney, water tank, and storage tracks. And the view now blocked by the Paris Street bridge.

First954 [291] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/12/1969 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: N/A (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Sudbury Mile 79.0 Cartier Sub (search)
City/Town: Sudbury (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50464
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Photo ID: 49175

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. I spent a few nights over the years in the hotel at the right. Looks like a business car or two tucked into the stub tracks at the end of the station. Nice string of tell-tales draped across the yard tracks. Your photo date is the month and year I first worked for CN as a summer student. Got my 1st paycheck in pay period 15/1969. :-) Another great shot with lots of detail.

  2. I miss sudbury.

  3. A well captured occurrence at Sudbury for trans-continental passenger train service. It is always nice seeing the mixed colours. Looks like the Yardman is getting ready to make the cut between the coaches. Great image.

  4. A rare catch: not many photos exist of Budd cars running in mixed paint together, it seems CP had the Budd fleet repainted into Action Red relatively quickly, as were most of the 1400-series FP7/9′s (some of the old steel baggage cars lingered with their maroon letterbands for a time longer though).

  5. Thanks everyone. Don’t know if it was true, but I heard back then that as a train set arrived in Montreal from the west, it was sent to the paint shop and emerged in action red paint for the westbound trip the next day. Quite possible as there was not much to paint!!

  6. Aerosol overhaul! :-)

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