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The aftermath. The remains of CN HR616 2105 are seen two days after being in the lead of train 272 when it was involved in a major rear-end collision on the Strathroy Subdivision. The unit was on the point of the eastbound train, when it rear-ended standing manifest 308 at Hyde Park. In turn, the force of the impact pushed train 308 into the rear of train 223, another standing freight which was stopped ahead of it. The collision was enough to derail both 2105 and second unit, LMSX C40-8W 723. The locomotives suffered heavy damage, with 2105 bearing the worst of it. Fortunately, the crews involved escaped with non-life threatening injuries. The LMSX lessor would be repaired, however 2105 was subsequently retired on October 26, 1995 after it was determined the damage was too extensive and it would be too costly to repair the aging locomotive. The Transportation Safety Board later determined that the locomotive engineer of train 272 missed a restrictive signal indication west of Hyde Park, but was unable to slow the train down as it approached and struck the stopped 308. This is a follow-up to the series of photos that John Pittman recently posted on the incident.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jason Noe all rights reserved.

Caption: The aftermath. The remains of CN HR616 2105 are seen two days after being in the lead of train 272 when it was involved in a major rear-end collision on the Strathroy Subdivision. The unit was on the point of the eastbound train, when it rear-ended standing manifest 308 at Hyde Park. In turn, the force of the impact pushed train 308 into the rear of train 223, another standing freight which was stopped ahead of it. The collision was enough to derail both 2105 and second unit, LMSX C40-8W 723. The locomotives suffered heavy damage, with 2105 bearing the worst of it. Fortunately, the crews involved escaped with non-life threatening injuries. The LMSX lessor would be repaired, however 2105 was subsequently retired on October 26, 1995 after it was determined the damage was too extensive and it would be too costly to repair the aging locomotive. The Transportation Safety Board later determined that the locomotive engineer of train 272 missed a restrictive signal indication west of Hyde Park, but was unable to slow the train down as it approached and struck the stopped 308. This is a follow-up to the series of photos that John Pittman recently posted on the incident.

Jason Noe [1024] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/18/1995 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN (search)
Train Symbol: 272 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Strathroy Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Hyde Park (London) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36337
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