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The 2nd coolest BCOL to lead on the Kingston in 2022. At the time, BCOL 4642 was about the coolest thing riding the road rails in the GTA so when it was put up front on hotshot stacker Z149 from Montreal, I made a beeline to the signal bridge at CN Clarke to wait for them. BCOL 4642, CN 2316, and CN 5693 race through the countryside doing trackspeed after a later then normal trip across southeastern Ontario.
2022 has suprised me in many ways in terms of road power on CN, this being one of many examples.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Isaac Bryson all rights reserved.

Caption: The 2nd coolest BCOL to lead on the Kingston in 2022. At the time, BCOL 4642 was about the coolest thing riding the road rails in the GTA so when it was put up front on hotshot stacker Z149 from Montreal, I made a beeline to the signal bridge at CN Clarke to wait for them. BCOL 4642, CN 2316, and CN 5693 race through the countryside doing trackspeed after a later then normal trip across southeastern Ontario. 2022 has suprised me in many ways in terms of road power on CN, this being one of many examples.

Isaac Bryson [148] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/26/2022 (search)
Railway: BC Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: BCOL 4642 (search)
Train Symbol: CN Z14921 26 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kingston (search)
City/Town: Wilmot Creek (near Newcastle) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49869
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Photo ID: 48584

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Great photos. I like how you captured it under the signal bridge and also with a “Clear Signal” displayed for an eastbound on the South Track. That type of BCOL unit and the color scheme is a favourite.

  2. Thank you. The eastbound lined was a VIA so we were all worried that it would show up at the worst possible time. Thankfully it passed about 5 minutes after 149.

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