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Oh my this is nice…
I think this is the Firestone Spur as opposed to the Beach Branch, but open to corrections. Would make the fit with that sign even better, that’s for sure.
Ah yes, I had asked someone the delineation of the Firestone once before in the past. The response: Mileage 0.0 of the Firestone Lead is at the west end of the switch points at the west end of the switch to #1 Adams Yard and ends at Mileage 0.90, which is immediately north of Burlington Street where the switch to Firestone was located.
So indeed, this would be the Firestone!
Neat. Thanks Jamie. I was looking at maps thinking it was either the yard as you say, or the last switch before the curve.
Awesome. I was wondering why the elevated section ended there of burmington st..
Awesome. I was wondering why the elevated section ended there of burlington st.. the firestone plant closed in 1987