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TH21 was a train I pursued on quite a few occasions in the early morning this past summer. Being on duty in Kinnear at 2300, the crew had until 0900 the following morning before they were out of hours. TH21 typically drills Aberdeen, shoves 142 up the hill, and makes the odd appearance down the Belt. Getting them coming back from Aberdeen was my white whale this summer, and there was a fine line to walk in which to do so and many stars needed to align: 1) They had to still be there after sunrise which more often than not was not the case; 2) They had to let the sun come up high enough to avoid shadows; 3) For this specific location, they had to be nearing the end of their hours, but not so late that the GO Station platform doors were locked (which they are outside of typical GO hours); etc. Anyways, you can see where I am going with this - a lot of things had to work out to get a shot of them in the morning. With TH21 now on duty at 1800, their hours run out at 0400 meaning for the time being (aka until/if the schedule changes again), there is no more early morning shot coming home from Aberdeen. There were other shots I attempted this summer but was unsuccessful due to the multitude of things that had to go right, and in the end, this was the best I managed.
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Knott all rights reserved.

Caption: TH21 was a train I pursued on quite a few occasions in the early morning this past summer. Being on duty in Kinnear at 2300, the crew had until 0900 the following morning before they were out of hours. TH21 typically drills Aberdeen, shoves 142 up the hill, and makes the odd appearance down the Belt. Getting them coming back from Aberdeen was my white whale this summer, and there was a fine line to walk in which to do so and many stars needed to align: 1) They had to still be there after sunrise which more often than not was not the case; 2) They had to let the sun come up high enough to avoid shadows; 3) For this specific location, they had to be nearing the end of their hours, but not so late that the GO Station platform doors were locked (which they are outside of typical GO hours); etc. Anyways, you can see where I am going with this - a lot of things had to work out to get a shot of them in the morning. With TH21 now on duty at 1800, their hours run out at 0400 meaning for the time being (aka until/if the schedule changes again), there is no more early morning shot coming home from Aberdeen. There were other shots I attempted this summer but was unsuccessful due to the multitude of things that had to go right, and in the end, this was the best I managed.

James Knott [535] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/30/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 3053 (search)
Train Symbol: TH21 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hamilton Sub (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42640
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