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That’s a wonderful composition ! And the fire hydrant adds a little pop of colour that matches the units.
I always enjoy seeing Belt Line moves. The abandoned pole line with the side blocks and insulators fits in nicely. Great photo.
It fascinates me to no end that the belt line was built with telegraph poles. I could be wrong but it was likely needed for dispatching and communication as there was a form of it for the belt line given the volume of traffic.
You would be correct railway communication, dispatching and at certain location signaling. I am interested in knowing if the TH&B Belt Line had an Electric Staff Block System.
From what I’ve read in the TH&B HS “Ontarion” newsletters, there was a system of dispatching on the Belt Line. Per the timetable in 1984, dispatchers issued “Form 3″ clearances to trains going from Kinnear to Fisher and vice versa. Likely radio by then.
There was an automatic signal type setup on the Belt Line between Gage Ave and Barton St, essentially between the Westinghouse lead and Beach Branch. Dispatcher was to be notified if switching in this territory too.
It must have been really busy. Now it’s one train at all times except when in Joint CN/CP territory, there can be up to three trains at times.
I should also mention the “automatic” signal was between the two most contentious parts of the Belt Line being the grades under the CN, and two “branchlines” of the Belt.
Stephen, Thank you for compiling and sharing the information. I’m sure the Belt Line was a much busier spot at one time.