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Testing the branches for the first time, CN 1501 is southbound on the former CNR Fergus subdivision. Railiners (RDC's) would have plied this line until sometime in the 1960's (By 1969 Railiners operated North of Guelph only on the Fergus, once a day in each direction per April 27 1969 CN TT). Curious if anyone knows if RDC's operated in excursion service on the Fergus sub or if they were all conventional trains? This could have been the first RDC since the last scheduled Railiner passenger train between Lynden and Guelph.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Testing the branches for the first time, CN 1501 is southbound on the former CNR Fergus subdivision. Railiners (RDC's) would have plied this line until sometime in the 1960's (By 1969 Railiners operated North of Guelph only on the Fergus, once a day in each direction per April 27 1969 CN TT). Curious if anyone knows if RDC's operated in excursion service on the Fergus sub or if they were all conventional trains? This could have been the first RDC since the last scheduled Railiner passenger train between Lynden and Guelph. Your comments or observations are appreciated in the comment section. Thank you.

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/31/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1501 (search)
Train Symbol: CN O998 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hespeler (search)
City/Town: Hespeler (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=32950
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  1. The March 1967 Canadian Guide lists 53-671 leaving Toronto daily ex Sunday at 1840 and arriving at Palmerston at 2105, with the equipment being RDC’s.

  2. Thank you, but there were two routes used: One via Georgetown where the train rejoins the Fergus sub at Guelph (As indicated in CN’s 1969 TT), and previously, via Hamilton and Lynden where the first 29 miles of the Fergus sub were used servicing stations such as Galt, Preston, Hespeler and so on. At some point they switched to the Georgetown routing eliminating 29 miles of Branchline running and I suspect it was in the 1960′s.

  3. Ah ok. That section was indeed freight-only in the March 1967 guide and in the July 1959 guide as well.

  4. Very nice, Stephen. Pretty scene.

  5. TY Earl.

  6. I’m informed from a friend who was there, that the last passenger move south of Guelph was 20 June 1959 when Canada Post switched the mail contract to trucks. Last steam moves were in April ’59 and SW1200′s with a conventional train were the norm until they were cancelled.

    RDC’s never operated on the line until the CN 1501 operated over it, no excursions were known to have used RDC’s either.

    North of Guelph was a whole other matter, I’ll post those when I post the shots from that location.

    With thanks to 13*GR for the info

  7. I just noticed that some enterprise graffiti artist adorned one of the columns of the bridge with the town’s name…

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