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Telephoto image of Buffalo Creek S-2 #44 (built 1947)sitting in the old Niagara Falls yard for whatever reason.
The unit looks freshly painted. In less than a year BCK would be one of the small shortlines swallowed up in the formation of Conrail. This unit was assigned number CR 9661. In background, situated on Victoria Av,  is the top of the old Provincial Steel building, which once had rail connection with CN.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Telephoto image of Buffalo Creek S-2 #44 (built 1947)sitting in the old Niagara Falls yard for whatever reason. The unit looks freshly painted. In less than a year BCK would be one of the small shortlines swallowed up in the formation of Conrail. This unit was assigned number CR 9661. In background, situated on Victoria Av, is the top of the old Provincial Steel building, which once had rail connection with CN.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/19/1975 (search)
Railway: Other (search)
Reporting Marks: BCK 44 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN NF yard (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29066
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Photo ID: 27899

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  1. I remember even up until late this yard had some oddities. I remember there being an Ontario Northlander engine parked here once.

  2. At least you left that nice looking builder’s plate on the cab !
    Actually BCK (and Detroit Terminal) were later inclusions in Conrail (Oct1981). There were several overhauls done for BCK by United Railway Supply (URS) of Val Royal, Quebec, this being one of them.

  3. Thanks for the ‘inclusion’ correction, BEM’r. I was unaware.

  4. Was the “Buffalo Creek” located around Buffalo NY before being swallowed up?

  5. Yes, basically in the area bounded by Tifft Street, Ohio Street and South Park/Abbott Road. Several of the waterfront elevators were served by BCK, the ones you can see to the east of Route 5 when driving on the skyway.

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