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Sure is nice to see first generation unit GMD GP9u leading (even if it is chopped and re-built) over a GE AC4400CW of any stripe !

How much longer CP 8246 ( the  former  8825 GMD GP9, 1959 ) will be around remains to be seen and coupled with GP 38-2 (GMD 1985) 3041, hopefully the latter will be around for some time.

CP 8246 west – a management trainee special -  is in the Cherrywood  siding for another (what else) GE AC4400CW (GE 2004): CP 9835 east with distributed power another (what else) GE AC4400CW (GE 2004): CEFX 1057.

8246 's consist: a string of sixty ( or so ) of ancient fifty foot reefers & boxes, primarily CP forest product and Soo Line reefers...been a long time since I have seen a solid box car train  –  even if all empties ! 

At Cherrywood, March 13, 2013 image by S. Danko.

More GP 38's leading:

  Cobourg turn  

Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: Sure is nice to see first generation unit GMD GP9u leading (even if it is chopped and re-built) over a GE AC4400CW of any stripe !

How much longer CP 8246 ( the former 8825 GMD GP9, 1959 ) will be around remains to be seen and coupled with GP 38-2 (GMD 1985) 3041, hopefully the latter will be around for some time.

CP 8246 west – a management trainee special - is in the Cherrywood siding for another (what else) GE AC4400CW (GE 2004): CP 9835 east with distributed power another (what else) GE AC4400CW (GE 2004): CEFX 1057.

8246 's consist: a string of sixty ( or so ) of ancient fifty foot reefers & boxes, primarily CP forest product and Soo Line reefers...been a long time since I have seen a solid box car train – even if all empties !

At Cherrywood, March 13, 2013 image by S. Danko.

More GP 38's leading:

Cobourg turn


sdfourty [728] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/13/2014 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8246 west (search)
Train Symbol: CP 8246 west (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Cherrywood (search)
City/Town: Cherrywood (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=14129
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Photo ID: 13109

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  1. By this summer the GP9′s will probably be done… won’t be long..

  2. If anyone is interested, 8233 has been working T07/T08 (Havelock) of late (on it as recently as today’s T07), running some of it’s last miles with it’s soon to be executioner… GP20′s.

  3. Recent count shows 31 or so remaining CP GP9′s in active service, 13 out of Toronto and the rest scattered. Get ‘em while you can…

  4. What’s the GP20C-ECO delivery schedule? This will be the defining rate at which the GP9 disappears.

  5. Not sure Stefan, I think the recent order (2250-2269) is it for now. I’d expect the last 3 4650 series GP40-2′s to go as well.

  6. How many left for delivery?

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