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Superstition dictates that 666 is a bad sign. Nevertheless, GO Transit locomotive 666 is seen pulling train 914 towards Union Station without any mishaps. Interestingly, when VIA 6403 appeared on the new $10 bill, the locomotive was renumbered 6459 because its new-found fame was thought to have jinxed it. Apparently GO was not so concerned.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Thomas Blampied all rights reserved.

Caption: Superstition dictates that 666 is a bad sign. Nevertheless, GO Transit locomotive 666 is seen pulling train 914 towards Union Station without any mishaps. Interestingly, when VIA 6403 appeared on the new $10 bill, the locomotive was renumbered 6459 because its new-found fame was thought to have jinxed it. Apparently GO was not so concerned.

Thomas Blampied [88] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/29/2015 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GOT 666 (search)
Train Symbol: 914 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Union Station Rail Corridor (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=19918
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  1. I refer to this as The Engine Of The Beast…great Iron Maiden reference if I ever made one

  2. Could they have picked an uglier green?

  3. The green on top or “puke green” does not look good at all. The lime green on the bottom however looks very good.

  4. The new two-tone green looks quite good on the bi-levels, but hideous on the locomotives. Diesel locomotives (no matter how efficient) still produce exhaust, so why would you use copious amounts of white paint on one?

  5. Is this a hybrid, convertible to Electric like the UPX?

  6. Awesome number btw, and great Iron Maiden reference!

  7. Brad, No, not convertible, at least not conventionally.

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