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stopped just inside the south portal of the 3,800 foot long Shalalth tunnel. I seem to recall that we had had a meet at Seton siding and had just pulled out of the north end and were in the process of "restore to normal position" the north switch. I don't know if it was coincidence or convenience that the Conductor's portable radio failed and while stopped waiting for further communication, I had the opportunity of a good image inside the tunnel. Eventually the Conductor arrived in the cab, confirmed that the switch was lined and locked normal and we could proceed. I have been in numerous tunnels and they all seem to have the same dank, sour smell, leaving me with a strong sense that it is not normal to be underground.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Lawson all rights reserved.

Caption: stopped just inside the south portal of the 3,800 foot long Shalalth tunnel. I seem to recall that we had had a meet at Seton siding and had just pulled out of the north end and were in the process of "restore to normal position" the north switch. I don't know if it was coincidence or convenience that the Conductor's portable radio failed and while stopped waiting for further communication, I had the opportunity of a good image inside the tunnel. Eventually the Conductor arrived in the cab, confirmed that the switch was lined and locked normal and we could proceed. I have been in numerous tunnels and they all seem to have the same dank, sour smell, leaving me with a strong sense that it is not normal to be underground.

Doug Lawson [250] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/17/2008 (search)
Railway: Rocky Mountaineer Railtours (search)
Reporting Marks: RMR 8013 (search)
Train Symbol: 615 Fraser Discovery (search)
Subdivision/SNS: BC Rail Squamish sub (search)
City/Town: near Seton (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34051
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Photo ID: 32873

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  1. This is neat. Something we non-railroaders rarely see.

  2. This is the third tunnel at this location, mile 140.6. Built in 1988 and extra tall to provide clearance for planned future electrification of the pushers from Darcy to Mons and possibly also from Lillooet to Kelly Lake. The first tunnel was built here in 1915 during the original construction. It is behind the large power plant building “Bridge River 2 Generating Station” you see from the train at the north portal of the present tunnel. The second tunnel was built in 1953 as part of a line relocation so BC Hydro could build that power plant. The third tunnel was built to bypass a dangerous rock slide area at mile 140.5.

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