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Stewart Southern Railway is seen here arriving at CP's Regina yard with a good sized train of loads to interchange. With GP38-2 GMTX 2213 and B23-7 SSS 4255 up front you wouldn't know this is a Watco owned operation.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Matt Watson all rights reserved.

Caption: Stewart Southern Railway is seen here arriving at CP's Regina yard with a good sized train of loads to interchange. With GP38-2 GMTX 2213 and B23-7 SSS 4255 up front you wouldn't know this is a Watco owned operation.

Matt Watson [692] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/10/2020 (search)
Railway: Stewart Southern Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: GMTX 2213 (search)
Train Symbol: SSR (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Indian Head Sub (search)
City/Town: Regina (search)
Province: Saskatchewan (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42989
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Photo ID: 41774

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  1. The B23 is neat but all these GMTX units everywhere just turn me off. Can’t get away from them

    If Watco brought some of their paint to Canada i’d have little/no problems with that, looks nice

  2. I agree, I rather like that simple black and yellow, although I’ll take that exATSF junker any day.

  3. Now you guys know how I feel about the orange and black of G&W. Big relief the GMTX at least has the SSR on the sides.

  4. Arnold you aren’t wrong…. I guess I only enjoy G&W because I didn’t see many of the G&W shortlines before G&W….

    and there was very little G&W in Canada until they purchased Rail America.

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