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SOO Line SD40B 6450 is viewed getting serviced at Canadian Pacific's Toronto Yard between assignments. During the 1990's, this one of a kind SOO Line unit, did occasionally venture into Ontario from the US. It is ex-BN SD40B 7600 and nee-BN SD40 6302.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jason Noe all rights reserved.

Caption: SOO Line SD40B 6450 is viewed getting serviced at Canadian Pacific's Toronto Yard between assignments. During the 1990's, this one of a kind SOO Line unit, did occasionally venture into Ontario from the US. It is ex-BN SD40B 7600 and nee-BN SD40 6302.

Jason Noe [1028] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/27/1995 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: SOO Line 6450 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CP Toronto Yard (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42459
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  1. This is very nifty Jason. Better even than the SD45′s that have made their way to Canada (IMO).

  2. I wonder if this unit would have had hostler controls just like the old EMD E and F units to move it around the service area? Does anyone know? Cool pic!!

  3. Thank you for the comments @Larry Parks and @lostshoeranch.

    That’s an interesting question about the hostler controls. I never thought about that.

  4. Had a look through my Extra 2200 Souths. In the 1982 issue #75 there is a photo of this unit taken in March of that year showing it freshly rebuilt. The discussions at the time were mainly, neat that BN was building B’s and they wondered how many more will come. Especially when BN bought a small fleet of GE B units for June/82 delivery. No mention of a hostler control station. My guess, for what it is worth, there is no little window for the hostler to look out from (checked a number of photos). It would seem a little dangerous to move a unit on just radio communication alone. No chance of seeing something being waved in alarm if someone else saw an accident developing. So, I would imagine these units were moved around with the aid of another unit.

  5. Thanks for researching the unit Larry. I believe you are then correct about it having to be moved around with other units instead of on it’s own.

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