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SOO 6623, 6619 lead a northbound train thru Clifton Hill (actually running south at this point) having just come over the Niagara steel arch bridge. It was a rare thing for me to catch SOO thru here. And especially in early morning, as is in this case. That explains why there is 'not much happening' along Victoria Avenue at the height of the tourist season. Both units have since been converted over to "CP" and are still on the roster.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: SOO 6623, 6619 lead a northbound train thru Clifton Hill (actually running south at this point) having just come over the Niagara steel arch bridge. It was a rare thing for me to catch SOO thru here. And especially in early morning, as is in this case. That explains why there is 'not much happening' along Victoria Avenue at the height of the tourist season. Both units have since been converted over to "CP" and are still on the roster.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/11/1993 (search)
Railway: SOO Line (search)
Reporting Marks: SOO 6623 (search)
Train Symbol: unknown (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Clifton Hill (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=28576
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Photo ID: 27413

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. I love the Clifton Hill shots! I wish I had gone to photograph it.

  2. Thanks. I’ll bet if they still ran you would be trying to make it there on your lunch hour.

  3. These two became part of the Agincourt Hump units and are still there in storage. Nice to see them in SOO paint!

  4. With ATCS I could make it.

  5. It’s crazy looking at Google Earth and realizing there’s no way in hell that track is ever going back in. Lol. It’s too bad really. A lot of people would enjoy the idea of GO trains stopping at Clifton Hill. It would be like an 80s scene from Reno.

  6. Nice picture from the other side of the tracks. 1993 a great time to be trackside on the Hamilton Sub.
    Thanks for posting Arnold.

  7. Really enjoying your classic “Clifton Hill” shots, awmooney – thank you!

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